Deep in the Night (2017)
New works for this album include “I Would Live in Your Love”) by Gerald Gregory and “Deep in the Night” by Robert Lewis which are both settings of a poems by American Sara Teasdale (1884-1933. This album also features two song cycles by Robert Lewis. Garden of Love is a setting of three poems by Englishman William Blake (1757-1827) and Songs from Jack and Jill features texts excerpted from the novel Jack and Jill by American author Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888). In it, best friends Jack and Jill are recovering from sledding injuries and forced to be apart. “When It Comes Night” is a poem that accompanies a gift of a nightcap given to Jack and compares it to a candle extinguisher. “A Little Bird” is a hymn excerpt Jill recites when confined to bed. “Dear Griff” is a little poem to accompany a May Day wreath with pin hidden in the flower to trick the naughty boy, Griff!
Jill Terhaar Lewis, soprano; Robert Lewis, saxophone; Gerald Gregory, piano; Norbert Lewandowski, cello; and Ron Wiltrout, drum
Produced by Robert Lewis and Jill Terhaar Lewis
Recorded in December 2015
Recorded, mixed, and mastered by Quentin E. Baxter at BME, LLC,
Front cover: Gartenplatz by Jennifer Neslund
More info:
My Soul in Stillness Waits (2017)
Jill Terhaar Lewis, soprano; Robert Lewis, saxophone; Gerald Gregory, piano; Norbert Lewandowski, cello; and Ron Wiltrout, drums
Produced by Robert Lewis and Jill Terhaar Lewis
Recorded in December 2015
Recorded, mixed, and mastered by Quentin E. Baxter at BME, LLC,
Front cover: Inner Play by Jennifer Neslund
Album design: Nandini McCauley
More info:
The In-Between has developed their own repertoire by writing original compositions and arrangements to highlight the strengths of each member. This album features many new arrangements of sacred hymns as well as an original song cycle composed by Gerald Gregory called Old Tunes. This is a setting of poems by American poet Sara Teasdale (1884-1933).
This album is dedicated to our parents: Ralph and Sally Terhaar, Jan Lewis, and Martha Gregory.